VAV-Universal – modular VAV/duct pressure control solution with dynamic Δp sensor, can be combined with external VST damper actuator.
Field of application: VAV units or control dampers in comfort ventilation systems
VAV-Universal, modular control solution with integrated Δp sensor for contaminated media. Can be combined with damper actuator optimally suited to the room pressure application. Field of application: technical building equipment, HVAC systems
VAV-Universal, modular control solution with integrated Δp sensor for contaminated media. Can be combined with damper actuator optimally suited to the VAV/pressure duct application. Field of application: technical building equipment, HVAC systems
Rotary actuator fail-safe for VAV-Universal, 4 Nm, AC/DC 24 V, 6 ±4 V, 150 s, IP54
Design data: Design data